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Oggetto che è stato indossato, ma in ottime condizioni, praticamente come nuovo. [outlet woolrich torino] Se avete scelto un matrimonio country o shabby chic, potreste anche optare per un materiale povero come lino o la juta.
starting in late 2000 as a young musician who wanted to book shows for himself and his friends, i let my hobby became a full-time job during my studies of science and technologies of music communication at the university of milan.
in these 20 years, i’ve worked with international record labels such as rude records (pr, a&r and booking), i’ve founded noreason records/booking (left in 2014) releasing tons of records and managing tons of bands and live shows in the italian/european punk/alternative scene, i’ve worked in the production of international music events for the italian tv, i am (and have been) management for italian artists in the mainstream music market in italy. i also take care of benefit projects, working with the ass. nazionale italiana cantanti and with teenagers with social difficulties (prison, drugs, alcohol, mental instability,…).
i’m still a musician in two bands, le bisce (voice, guitar and songwriter) and 0382 band (883/max pezzali tribute, as singer).
i’m actually a booking agent for the italian agency hub music factory (gogol bordello, nofx, slam dunk italy, bayfest,…).
i completely know what an artist needs for its own career as well as what it means to work in the backstage. this could be the “plus” to find the right compromise for every situation!